Thursday, March 19, 2009

The chains of the Tribe

(The Daddy-Society)

Society (the tribe) plays to the adult a role similar to that of parents about the child, providing care and guidance, supplying context, limits and support. But just as parents are good, mediocre and bad, so does societies.

Probably a large majority of you are nowadays in agreement about that extremely overprotecting parents can be enormously damaging for their children. But the same majority seems to agree that the more protective it is a society with its members it is better. What not everyone perceives is the inverse relationship that inexorably exists between the social protection (control) and freedom.
The axis protection/control sooner or later ends up suffocating the axis freedom/responsibility, exactly as it happens in the relationship between parents and children.

Fleeing the often pathetic history of South America, I am living for now some time in the United States, a country that 200 years ago, just yesterday in historical time, was born as a symbol of freedom and individual rights (the real human rights) against the absolutism and collectivism of the old monarchical Europe.
But in the last 100 years it began to imperceptibly derive into the collectivism of a society which is becoming everyday a little bit more oppressive and controlling (it's still more free that South America and Europe, not to mention Middle Eastern countries and other semi-medieval cultures)

United States, once the bastion of freedom is going slowly and perhaps inexorably in the same direction they took (and failed in) the great collectivist experiments that delineated much of the macabre story of the 20th century of genocide and massive unnameable deprivation: The National Socialism of Adolf Hitler, the Fascism of Benito Mussolini, and the Communists of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, just to name a few.

Why the vast majority ends up preferring safety over freedom?
Is there finally a civilized way to protect minorities from the majority? (being the individual the smallest minority)
Constitutions are Amended and governments grow and grow as the decades pass, because people (the majority) is requesting this, and those same governments end up growing so much to crush the people who are supposed to protect.

All these people demanding more and more security and giving up in exchange their freedom, what a sadness...

They want the government-society-father to take care of their problems and provide everything necessary and even the unnecessary and then they duck his head obediently accepting orders for this same daddy who cares for us but of course also ends by telling us how we must live our lives and die our deaths.
The process of gradual loss of freedom in most western societies has been advanced over the years in a way similar to the "boiled frog syndrome"
A frog will jump out of the pot if thrown into the boiling water, however if the water is heated very slowly the frog does not realize and dies finally boiled.

In the ancient conflict between the pressure of the tribe and the individual, it appears that the individual continues to lose because he "needs" of the tribe to survive, as he needed from their parents when boy. When then will the great majority of humanity reach the majority of age?
That day will come some day? I hope yes

I hope that when my son is grown up they don’t come once again the dark centuries of the Inquisition or the Stone Age as they want all these ecologists- mystical-collectivists, dreaming to create a "perfect world" through decrees and laws and rules increasingly stifling our freedoms. Many even say they love the poor but they treat them as idiots

Fortunately the final and incorruptible judge was, is, and will be the Reality that accepts no magic solutions or whims so they are going to lose now or within 500 years, but how much evil they can do in the meantime? What kind of world will live my son into? I worry a lot, so I write.
As they should be worried the ghosts of over 100 million men, women and children who just talking about Hitler, Mao and Stalin were tortured and murdered in the name of a "Better World".
Better for whom?

They all started the same way: by telling people they had a "perfect solution" to the alleged social problems, that if people surrender their freedom they will take care of all.
And people believed them...

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